of $360 Raised
refugees provided with food and medicine
0 Days
Dan King
link /bibledude
We did it!

We totally rocked our goal just over mid-way through our first day! So a HUGE #fistbump and thank you to everyone who made that happen!

But that doesn't mean we have to stop! The reality is that the more we raise, the more kids we can provide for in Syria. That means more hope delivered to the people of Syria. So please continue to give generously (as many already have), and together we will shine the Love of Christ in a region in desperate need of it!

Thank you!

Original Post:

(Excerpt from: what can (and should) Christians do about syria | BibleDude.net)

In the absence of basic necessities, problems and fighting begin to break out among people in refugee camps. In the absence of clean water and other hygiene resources, disease spreads quickly. And in the absence of medical care, these diseases can easily be fatal.

All because it's safer to be there than in your own home.

When I think of situations like this, I'm reminded of the 2nd and 3rd century Christians who become know for their charity by going into places where disease was running rampant, and nursing people back to health. In fact, it's this kind of charity that is noted as one of the reasons for rapid growth of the early Church.

And now with Syria, I can't turn my back. I know how bad the situation is there. And, as a Christian, I feel obligated to run towards a solution that restores hope to people who are hurting as a result of this conflict.

So here's what I'm we're doing.

I'd love it if we could provide food and medicine for twelve refugee children for one month. It costs $360. That's it.

READ MORE: what can (and should) Christians do about syria

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